Your task is to write a paragraph (maximum length of one page double spaced) that analyzes one of the following environmental ethical issue. You choose which issue to write about; in this assignment, reflect deeply on a topic that matters to you. You must argue your position with ethical theory and also show how your position is stronger than the opposing position supported by another theory.

Should animals be used in medical research? In your response, consider which kind of animals (if any) would be morally permissible to use in medical research and what consideration should be given regarding pain.

You must apply at least one ethical theory to support your position and explain how a different theory compares when applied to this issue.
You must also show how your position supported by ethical theory is stronger than another position supported by another theory.
It is not enough to name a theory; you must explain the theory and demonstrate how your position reflects the logic and reasoning of that theory.
Remember that theory is the “why” behind your beliefs.
Put your Assignment in a Word document.

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