-Read Textbook Chapter 7 (chapter attached) -Answer Weekly Assignment 7 Questions 1. Identify two women who figure in the history of Renaissance rhetoric, and provide a brief description of the contributions or activities of each. 2. Describe the role played by the notary in Renaissance Italy, and the place of rhetoric in their training. 3. What was the Corpus Hermetircum, and what does its popularity reveal about rhetoric’s connection to another study during the Renaissance? 4. Provide an overview of the Humanists’ interest in, and approach to the study of, classical texts. 5. Who was Christine de Pisan? When and where was she active? What did she urge women to do? Overview: Chapter 7: Rhetoric achieved perhaps its greatest prominence as a subject of study during the period known as the Renaissance. The number of books devoted to its study, the number of people who took up the subject, and the degree to which education was rhetorically structured are all astonishing. Rhetoric was the language of education and educated during the Renaissance. As we have seen, the movement known as Humanism, and particularly Italian Humanism, had a great deal to do with rhetoric’s influence between 1300 and 1750. The attention pain to rhetoric by important intellectual figures such as Petrarch and Valla, as well as their arguments against philosophy as the foundation of study, enhanced rhetoric’s status substantially. Objective: After completing this module you will be able to: Describe the rise of Rhetoric in the Renaissance. Describe viewpoints of early rhetorical scholars. Explain the status of rhetorical studies in Renaissance education. Describe impact the Renaissance had on education.
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