Assignment One: Secondary Research
Conduct Secondary Research to describe why consumers might want to purchase Small Personal Protective Equipment Kits for Travel.
Write a 1,000- to 1,500-word MS-Word report detailing the following. It is important that you address each of the following in your paper. You may use information from around the world. You are not restricted to only focusing on obtaining Secondary Data from the United States.
1. Describe “Small Personal Protective Equipment Kits for Travel”
2. Outline reasons for wanting to own or gift a Small Personal Protective Equipment Kit for Travel
3. Describe why and how Small Personal Protective Equipment Kits for Travel are used
4. Determine what should be included in a Small Personal Protective Equipment Kit for Travel
5. Based on your findings (items 1 through 4 above) describe the ideal Small Personal Protective Equipment Kit for Travel from your perspective
Please note: Item 5 is the only point in your report where you may include your own opinion. Items 1 through 4 should be based on Secondary Data sources and should not reflect your personal opinions.
Secondary Research, also known as “desk research,” refers to gathering of data that has been collected by entities for purposes other than the (research) problem at hand. Secondary data may be obtained online, by telephone and in hardcopy form. Sources include, but are not limited to:
• Associations and trade publications
• Annual reports
• Commercial sources
• Government sources
• Industry experts and consultants
• “Off-the-shelf” market study reports
• Pre-published reports may be identified for purchase
• Informal telephone interviews
• Other information sources
Students will submit their assignments on Blackboard no later than the due date by 11:59 PM. Late assignments (anything posted or sent after the due date) will be graded -1 point for each day late unless due to a verifiable medical or family emergency.
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