Practice Question: Do frequent turning of patients lead to a reduction in the occurrence of pressure injuries in hospitalized adult patients in Intensive Care Units

The assignment will include the following components.
A. Title Page
B. Introduction
1. Purpose Statement
2. Practice Problem Identification (Synthesis of research study evidence and non-research evidence.)
3. Sources of Research Evidence (identified in Weeks 1, 2, and 3 Discussion as in-text citations) I have included the discussions along with the references and articles.
C. Implications of the Practice Problem at the National Level and Local Level (Synthesis of research study evidence and non-research evidence.) Please let me know if you need information for the local level (New Jersey).
1. Significance
2. Prevalence
3. Economic Ramifications
D. Conduct a synthesis of research evidence and non-research evidence to address:
1. Main points/salient messages that emerge from the sources (Synthesis of 3 research study evidence and 3 non-research evidence.
2. Compare and contrast main points from all sources (Synthesis of 3 research study evidence and 3 non-research evidence.)
3. Objective discussion of facts (Synthesis of 3 research study evidence and 3 non-research evidence.)
E. Appraisal of the evidence to address the selected practice problem (1–2 paragraphs)
1. Level of Evidence
2. Quality Rating of Evidence
3. Suitability of the Evidence to Address the Practice Problem
F. Summary Tables of Evidence to Address the Selected Practice Problem Using the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Summary Tool (I included the tables)
1. 1 Qualitative Research Study (identified in Week 1 Discussion) I have included the discussion
2. 1 Quantitative Research Study (identified in Week 2 Discussion) I have included the discussion
3. 1 Systematic Reviews (identified in Week 3 Discussion) I have included the discussion
G. Conclusion
1. Summation of the impact of the practice problem at the national level and local level
2. Summation of the appraisal of evidence to address the practice problem
3. Summation of the evidence synthesis
H. References
1. Reference page with complete references for the 3 sources of research evidence and a minimum of 3 sources of non-research evidence (you may include more references)
I. APA Style and Organization
1. APA Standards for scholarly papers
2. Grammar and mechanics
3. Level I Headings are included


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