Assignment #2: Reflections on Diversity Description: It is important to reflect on one’s attitudes concerning diversity in order to plan effectively for student achievement. You may use the ICED Civic Scorecard for this assignment.

Directions: Select a topic from any of the three course competencies in the syllabus and write a 2-3 page reflection.

  1. Compare and contrast differences and similarities among cultures.
  2. Each competency includes a list of indicators. In a 2-3 page’s paper, explain the competency, and select a minimum of 3 indicators to discuss and elaborate. Include citations from the textbook to support your writing.
  3. Use APA format in writing the reflection and cite all references used.



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  No Evidence Emerging (2 pts) Developing (3 pts) Mastery (4 pts)
Competency Summary Insufficient evidence to evaluate Emerging performance is evidenced by the inclusion of one example in a brief summary of the chosen competency which includes 1 supporting citation. Developing performance is evidenced by the inclusion of a maximum of two examples in an acceptable summary of the chosen competency which includes 2 supporting citations. Mastered performance is evidenced by the inclusion of 3 or more of the bulleted examples in a thorough and detailed summary of the chosen competency which is supported by
FEAPs Indicators Summary Insufficient evidence to evaluate Emerging performance is evidenced by the inclusion of a brief discussion of one or two FEAP indicators. Developing performance is evidenced by the inclusion of an acceptable discussion of three FEAP indicators. Mastered performance is evidenced by the inclusion of a detailed and thorough discussion of 4 or more FEAP indicators.
Reflection Insufficient evidence to evaluate Emerging performance is evidenced by the inclusion of a brief reflection. which includes no supporting citations. Developing performance is evidenced by the inclusion of an acceptable reflection. Mastered performance is evidenced by the inclusion of a detailed and thorough reflection.
APA Format Insufficient evidence to evaluate Emerging performance is evidenced by the inclusion of 2 errors of the APA format. Developing performance is evidenced by the inclusion of one error of the APA format. Mastered performance is evidenced by the inclusion of no errors in the APA format throughout the assignment.
Mechanics More than 4 errors in grammar, composition, and or/spelling were noted Emerging performance is evidenced by a maximum of 4 errors in composition, grammar, and/or spelling. Developing performance is evidenced by a maximum of 2 errors in composition, grammar, and/or spelling. Mastered performance is evidenced by no major errors in composition, grammar, and/or spelling.

Reflections on Diversity Rubric

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