Discuss present-day environmental problems and identify their roots in China’s environmental history.

find a news article about a present-day (post-2016) environmental issue in China that is related to the topic of the lectures, films, and required readings for that week. Write a short paragraph explaining how the article is connected to that week’s them. To receive full points, you must post your current events report (including a link to the news article you selected)

Many news outlets keep online articles behind paywalls, but you can start by looking for articles free of charge on chinadialogue.net, npr.org, theguardian.com, apnews.com, and bbc.com.


I already uploaded this week’s Video and article, please watch and read, and find a news article about a present-day (post-2016) environmental issue in China that is related to the topic (video and article)

Topic is: Japanese colonial forestry

I uploaded the PDF, articles please watch it, and find a article relate to webiste and PDF and write about it. (Also read this websites below)

report should explain how the news article is “related to the topic of the lectures, films, and required readings for that week.

Must include a sentence: the article i choice related to the lecture and video because that: XXX


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