Paper instructions:

The first third of the course focuses on self, before we dive deeper into team and organizational dynamics. The “Large Paper” has three main goals:
1. Gain new insights about self-style and preferences;
2. Understand how your style aligns and diverges from other style preferences; and
3. Explore one of the course topics in greater detail (even if we did not formally discuss them in class when you write the paper) and relate it to how you show up.

One self-assessment tool is to be used. We will use Personal Style Inventory in the first in-person module. (I did this assessment and my result is ENFP, I have attached the pdf of this self-assessment tool and only my result is in it)

In responding to the second goal, in addition to your independent research about style preferences, interview at least three individuals who are professionally connected to you to illustrate how the style preferences shows up in work-place settings. Try to stay objective, observing behaviors and how they impact others, without placing judgement that one style is better or worse.

For the third goal, linkages between your style and one of the course topics must be made. Please be specific in how your preferences show-up in the described topic and where benefits and opportunities for growth emerge.

There should be a direct connection across all three goals as you develop the 10 to 12-page paper. Spend equal time developing each section. The final paper should use standard 12-point font and 1- inch margins, double-spaced, and emailed to your instructor by the deadline. (I save 2 pages just for myself to fill in some detailed information of myself and my real experiences)

The most successful paper submissions will be specific and incorporate real examples to illustrate behaviors and their impacts. (My background: international student, health management major, no full-time working experience, only two summer internships – one at private equity company, one at consultant company as advisory intern. Class projects – usually 4-5 students)

You can make up all personal stories and individuals interview. I think you can also talks about more on teamwork experiences for several class projects. All stories can be made up under the basic background and ENFP personal style. No worries because I’ll definitely fill in the name/organizations and adjust details of experiences if needed!

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