Paper instructions:

This assignment will require you to reflect on connections between the Holocaust and the origins of the human rights movement.

The expected word count for this assignment is 2500 words, plus or minus 10%.

Please submit this assignment by 11.59pm on Sunday 28 February 2021. You must submit the assignment electronically through the mycourses website by 11.59pm at the latest.

This assessment is worth 30% of the overall marks for the GLO Global Human Rights course.

Please download the word document for this assignment and add your answers to it and submit through mycourses in Microsoft Word format. Please do not submit as a pdf.

Assignment 1: The Holocaust and human rightsPreview the document

Reflective Essay Assignment
Reflective Essay Assignment
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence of self-reflection
34 pts
Provides substantial evidence of both the quality and depth of personal reflection on experiences.
30.6 pts
Provides evidence of having reflected in some depth on personal experiences.
27.2 pts
Provides evidence of basic reflection on personal experiences.
20.4 pts
Provides only minimal evidence of having reflected on personal experiences.
0 pts
Does not include references to any relevant experiences or evidence of personal reflection.
34 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUnderstanding of core concepts
33 pts
Demonstrates and applies solid understanding of core course concepts. Analysis is insightful and well-reasoned.
29.7 pts
Demonstrates and applies understanding of core course concepts. Analysis is thoughtful but may sometimes lack depth or reasoning may not be completely sound.
26.4 pts
Demonstrates and applies basic understanding of core course concepts. Analysis often lacks depth and/or reasoning is often unsound.
19.8 pts
Demonstrates and applies limited understanding of core course concepts. Analysis is superficial or poorly reasoned.
0 pts
Demonstrates and applies no understanding of core course concepts. Little to no analysis or analysis is very poor.
33 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of writing and organization
33 pts
Writing is clear, concise, and unambiguous. Organization is careful and logical. Essay is generally free of spelling and grammar errors.
29.7 pts
Writing is generally clear, with some minor problems. Essay is generally well-organized with room for improvement. There are occasional grammar or spelling errors.
26.4 pts
Writing is often unclear and may sometimes impede understanding. Essay is disorganized and lacks structure. There are repeated spelling and grammar mistakes.
19.8 pts
Writing is unclear and may sometimes impede understanding. Essay is disorganized and lacks structure. There are repeated spelling and grammar mistakes.
0 pts
Quality of writing prohibits understanding. Essay is incoherent. There are grammar and spelling mistakes throughout. Overall tone may be careless or inappropriate.
33 pts
Total Points: 100

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