Paper instructions:

The Covid-19 crisis has brought a health crisis that has never been experienced before
with major implications for European populations and economies. If, for example, the
disorganize of lockdown or lack of cooperation with Italy over medical supplies, the initial
EU reaction to the crisis appeared uncoordinated, several positive changes have also taken
place. Solidarity processes with the patients’ relocation from France to other European
countries or the debate by the Commission on a historical rehabilitation plan showed that,
relative to the 2008 financial crisis, the EU has been able to respond reasonably rapidly.
While the steps are yet to be introduced, the crisis contributes to new restructuring dynamics,
with debates regarding the new Green Agreement, the updated New Migration Treaty in
Europe or the analysis of supply chains in European economies.
Power balance will also be compromised between EU member states. France and
Germany are under intensive pressure in the impending Brexit in Europe’s unification.
Besides that, lockdowns and other measures of social distancing have widened socioeconomic gaps in Europe. Increased weaknesses (Wolff, & Ladi, 2020). The National
Statistics Agency, for example, has noticed in France that the mortality rate of international
born citizens in March and April 2020 was more than double the rate of French-born people
(INSEE, 2020). Finally, it asks the effect and control of the crisis on freedoms and stability in
the EU, by the implementation of special emergency state interventions and lockdowns. The
purpose of this paper will be to discuss the financial impacts that the novel coronavirus
causing Covid-19 has had on the European Union besides exposing the loopholes in the
health system of the countries with reference to Italy.
Literature Review
About 3 million deaths were reported in 213 countries and territories by the World
Health Organization (WHO) as a Pandemic, with over 207,973 deaths on 11 March 2020. Not
only has the virus been a crisis for public health, but also impacted the world economy. There
have also been significant economic consequences worldwide owing to declining demand,
loss of life, company closures, threats to commerce and the downturn in the tourism industry.
COVID-19 may call on world leaders to strengthen coordination on disease reduction and
include support for foreign joint activities. A wake-up call for international leadership. There
is detailed evidence regarding the potential health and economic costs of contagious diseases
but the world has refused to invest sufficiently in prevention steps and preparedness to
mitigate the likelihood of serious epidemics.
Infectious diseases and epidemics have been global challenges demanding a concerted
reaction of globalization, urbanization, and environmental change. Though the majority of
developing nations – primarily European and North Americans – require assistance from
national usage of high-risk countries, such as human and animal surveillance, preparedness
for workers and improved laboratory services in the management of dissemination of
infectious diseases, developments in public health capability. in the areas of laboratory safety
and health (Johnson, Gossner, Colzani, Kinsman, Alexakis, Beauté & Ekdahl, 2020). The
construction of and funding technical frameworks for research and development response to
new disease pathogens was advocated for international joint action by governments and nongovernmental organizations and private sectors. Such cooperation, particularly for the
creation and production of the vaccine, is crucial in the case of the COVID-19.
The CEPI (Global Partnership), founded in 2017, has followed up on global activities
in the field of the production of vaccines in COVID-19 and calls for close international
collaboration such that when produced, enough of the vaccines are processed and equal
access to all nations regardless of the capacity to pa. It is also a global partnership that has
been established in 2017. In addition, the countries involved can benefit from the sharing of
touch monitoring technology such as health Fast Response (QR) codes to more efficiently
tackle the outbreak. However, it is important to recognize the important ramifications of
privacy. In COVID-19, a collective solution and proactive action was adopted too late in the
course of COVID-19, after foreign travel had already reached other areas.
This research will incorporate a descriptive sample architecture to guide the study.
The Maxwell (2013) preliminary and explanatory studies postulate that researchers use the
expressive survey architecture to pick, define, implement and interpret details for clarification
purposes. This is valuable since the students and their directors provide a description of their
interactions in study.
The sample used in this study will clearly represent European Union state members.
This study brings at least 30 per cent of Maxwell’s target community in 2015 into account
and reveals that six schools were part of the sample scenario. There will be six policy makers,
fifty businesspeople, and 453 civilians. The selection of participants will be achieved using a
simple random sampling technique since this technique offers an equal and separate
opportunity for each category.
The main instruments of study utilized in this review was the administration of
questionnaires for civilians and business persons. Interview schedules and surveys can be
utilized by the policy makers. The questions found in each category are divided in two main
parts, Part A containing demographic data for respondents and Part B includes questions

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