Corruption and Ethical in Global Business (Apple Inc.)

Business Conduct Policy

Apple Inc.’s operations have for decades been guided by four values/principles. These principles include honesty, respect, confidentiality, and compliance. In other terms, Apple expects its stakeholders, for instance, consumers, suppliers, contractors, consultants, and other business parties, to abide and comply with these principles when providing goods and services to the company or acting on its behalf (Ucar, 2017). In other terms, all the primary and secondary stakeholders must comply with the business conduct policy.

Anti-Corruption Policy

The company is well-informed that corruption occurs in various forms, but the most common practice Apple Inc. has experienced is bribery. At Apple Inc., the organization does not tolerate any form of corruption regarding business operations. In other terms, it offers a piece of advice to the clients that in the case they are unsure of the appropriate approach action or whether some events constitute corruption, they are compelled to report or consult the business conduct department.

            Export and Sanction Policy:  As a global establishment, Apple Inc. is committed to adhere and abide by all the applicable trade policies and laws in which the organization operates (Vinson et al., 2020). It is not limited to the exports and sanction laws and regulations. For years, the company has qualified to produce one of the mass market products globally, and these goods have and are subject to the United States Export Administration when shipped out of the country (Vinson et al., 2020).

            Labor and Human Rights and Environmental Protection in Supply Chain: Apple Inc. believes that all its personnel in the supply chain sector deserve a just and ethical working environment (Vinson et al., 2020). The workers are treated right as per designated laws with the utmost dignity and respect to ensure they uphold human rights standards.


In 2010, Apple Inc. upheld its anti-corruption and business conduct policies based on ethical practices to investigate corruption allegations on one of its managers Paul Shim Devine. According to the case study, Devine, an employee of the company from 2005 until 2010, had earned $665,000 in salary and was mandated to select the Apple Inc.’s headset (Boudreau, 2010). He implemented an unethical code of selecting the suppliers by auctioning the deal to the highest bidder. In other terms, he misused his power by accepting the bribe from the supplies and concealed the scheme from Apple; until a whistle `blower from a Shanghai-owned company came forth (Boudreau, 2010). Apple Inc. implemented business conduits, anti-corruption, and ethics codes of conduct policies when addressing the issue to preserve its prestige.

Entry Strategy Used by Apple Inc.

Presently, Apple Inc. is the market leader in the android smartphones and computer innovation market. Fortunately, the company has branches and outlets in various geographical locations. Its operations are segmented-founded on the identity of a place and client. Below are some of the significant findings on its entry strategy.

Political Influence:

The company operates virtually in all nations globally; therefore, political norms and considerations are essential when introducing the products into a new and foreign market (Cardoso, 2017). In other terms, the company’s marketing concept needs to be in line with the respective nation’s policy before introducing the product.

Economic Factors

The present financial condition globally has a profound impact not only on Apple Inc. products but also on its entire production (Cardoso, 2017). The economic downturn experienced in the U.S. and Europe expose these products and services to severe domestic consequences; for example, due to COVID-19 and most finances channeled to healthcare, there has been a reduction in sales.

Social and Cultural Factors

Apple relies on a cultural environment to sell its products. Since its principal target is the millennials, the product design is simplified, making the company integrate simplicity and beauty to attain consumer loyalty (Glimstedt, 2020).

Technology Factors

The company has embraced that its technology industry continues to evolve ad change. It is one of the leading technology companies that are highly volatile and implements technology innovation to lead the IT industry (Cardoso, 2017). Its use of a monolithic design of its products makes it easy to establish an identified technology culture that other organizations cannot duplicate.

Other essential entry strategies not fully discussed in this study include the legal environment, rivalry techniques among competitor companies and products, supplier authority and power, buyer power, and threats of substitutes, among other properties (Glimstedt, 2020).

Control Strategies of Apple Inc.

Apple Inc. controls a team of dedicated senior managers, each with designated areas to address the organization’s control strategies.

Design of Apple Inc.’s Products and Services

The concept of designing its products is based on cross-cultural and joint-ventures among companies and officials. The coordination has stretched far into the company’s nature and traits where the system interacts and ensures that output is successfully making the design dependent on technology unique products (Cardoso, 2020),

Location Strategy

Apple relies on a selective strategy that involves limited power to the sellers. Most sellers’ urban dwellers maximize brand exposure and foot transit. It is a concept that satisfies the region’s operations management (Cardoso, 2017).

Layout Design and Strategy

The company proposes consumer expectations when implementing layout design and strategy; for example, most outlets use innovative space layout to enhance and inspire creativity and workflow efficiency (Vinson et al., 2020).


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