The first sentence must start with “The purpose of this essay is to explain why cases of sexual harassment continue to take place in the Army, despite all of the preventative training and education!
The conclusion must start with “In conclusion, we discussed how do we end sexual harassment and assault in the military.
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No title is needed
I. Introduction (1-2 paragraphs)
A. Opening statement
B. Background information
C. Purpose statement
II. Body (2-4 paragraphs)
A. (Point A) Why does sexual assault occur? Include supporting evidence.
B. (Point B) Does our current approach to training reduce (or not reduce) the risk of sexual assault and harassment? (Could be tied to point A)
C. (Point C) Supporting topic & evidence to support your thesis.
D. (Point D) How do we end sexual violence in the military?
III. Conclusion (1-2 paragraphs)
A. Summarize the main points.
B. Make a strong, memorable final statement.
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