Students will be asked write a polished original research paper that highlights a specific aspect or issue in the health policy. The paper will adhere to the American Psychological Association style manual. Each paper will focus on a specific and narrowly defined topic and describe the event or condition and how its development has influenced healthcare delivery. Students will be asked to present this paper in Pecha Kucha. Each presentation must be professional in manner and reflect thorough preparation. Presentations that lack professionalism, that is reflecting poor preparation, practice and/or delivery will be marked down accordingly. All topics must be approved by the instructor. Students may consult individually with the instructor as they formulate their research topics, collect sources, draft their papers, and revise their work for final submission. Student work may be checked using plagiarism detection software. Violations of the student code of conduct (plagiarism, cheating) will result in an F being assigned for this course. For detailed requirements, please refer to the document “Requirements and Evaluation of HSA 5152 Research Paper” .



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