Performance Evaluations, Managing Workplace Conflicts, Staff Development
I. Develop the section of your Supervisors’ Policies and Procedures Manual for Supervisors that addresses Performance Evaluations and Staff Development as follows:
.Provide guidelines for supervisors to conduct performance appraisals; you may enhance this section by developing a general form that supervisors can use to evaluate and provide feedback to subordinates.
.Provide the section detailing a formal disciplinary process for supervisors.
II. Develop the section of your Supervisors’ Policies and Procedures Manual for Supervisors that addresses Managing Workplace Conflicts as follows:
.Provide users with policies they must follow in counseling employees.
.Discuss policies on how supervisors must manage conflict and confrontation between employees and between employers and supervisors.
.Identify policies that will ensure a safe workplace for employees.
Cite your references in proper APA format.

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