Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on OBESITY IN AMERICA-statistics, risks and possible solutions. Your paper should be a minimum of 250 words in length (1-2 pages double-spaced and not more than 500 words), in 12-point, Times New Roman type, and meet the following minimum objectives:

1) Provide a review, reflection, and response to the topic, which should involve learning from your readings and personal research, self-assessments and/or any other engagement with web links and other materials.

2) Provide an assessment of how you think obesity may have affected you, someone you know, or society in general, and how you can apply your present knowledge of the health risks associated with obesity; and,

3) Provide some advice relating to this general topic of obesity that you might give yourself or others regarding the benefits of a proactive approach to a healthy lifestyle

4) Cite a minimum of two written sources.

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