The M6 Assignment will have two parts.

Part One requires you to create guidelines for communicating effectively using social media. You will research what different organizations have created and also review what your own organization has created to ensure that employees follow the professional guidelines for communicating through social media on behalf of the organization.

Your guidelines will be written in a report-style to your company’s CEO. If you are not currently employed, you can create a mock company in which to use for this assignment. Your report will be a minimum of two pages. Please include a cover page and a reference page with your report submission. You should use a minimum of four sources with APA formatting.

Part Two requires you to consider your own digital footprint and how your actions online will impact your professional career. You will create a PowerPoint presentation that includes the following elements:

Discussion of which social media platforms you use and for what purposes.
Discussion of how social media impacts one’s ability to be hired by a company.
Discussion of what type of digital footprint you will create for yourself.

The PPT presentation should be a minimum of 10 content slides (not including the cover slide or the reference slide). Include either speaker notes in the “”notes”” section in the slides or record audio on each slide. A minimum of two sources are required. Use APA formatting for all sources.

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