Chronicles aspects of the 2000 election, with particular emphasis on the recounting of Florida ballots. The film is currently on HBO. Rental Fee is $ 3.99 and Free with Prime Video. (Links to an external site.)
or use this link (free movie)
The rubric for the Film Reactions are as follows: 1) Main idea is presented and your response is related to the questions presented 2) Responses to questions are substantive and at least 4 sentences 3) Evidence, quotes and/or specific examples are referenced in your reaction to buttress your assertions — providing time stamps are useful and 4) Your responses must use standard grammar and writing mechanics.
The questions are below:
- Describe 3 instances of voter suppression techniques used in the film and discuss how those practices discouraged or prevented people from voting.
- Explain the reason why a “mandatory machine recount” was ordered.
- Federalism is an important concept in describing how our political system works. Explain how federalism impacted the process and outcome of the 2000 election.
- Consider the campaign and elected officials involved in the scenario. If you had a role in the Florida recount which person or office would you play, and why?
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