Choose one of the following topics for your paper.
1. Raj Rajaratnam was sentenced to 11 years in prison for insider trading of stocks. Research the crime of insider trading. Describe the criminal elements required for a conviction. Use two recent prosecutions as examples. Give your opinion of this crime and these prosecutions.
2. The U.S. has increased criminal prosecutions under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). Research the criminal liability sections of the FCPA. Describe the criminal elements required for a conviction. Use two recent prosecutions as examples. Give your opinion of this crime and these prosecutions.
3. The U.S. Justice Department filed criminal charges against a British Petroleum (BP) executive (obstruction of justice) and two BP employees (manslaughter) for conduct related to the 2010 drilling disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Describe the criminal elements required for convictions. What facts could be used to convict or acquit the three defendants? Give your opinion of the Justice Department’s decision to file criminal charges in this case.
In addition to content, you will also be graded on grammar, spelling and punctuation. Your paper must be double-spaced, font size 12 and between 4 to 6 pages in length. At least three sources are required (Wikipedia in an unacceptable source for academic research).
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