Answer any TEN of the following questions:
1. Describe the scanning process in analog cameras.
2. Define the terms, luminance, hue and saturation.
3. Compare a monochrome video signal with a color video signal.
4. Explain the uses of synchronization pulses in composite video signal.
5. Describe the role of digital signal processing in camera system.
6. Describe the principle of operation of an Internet camera.
7. Describe the principle of operation of charge coupled device.
8. Describe the principle of operation of CMOS camera sensor.
9. Describe the principle of operation of video motion detector.
10. What is white balance? Why does a camera need white balance.
11. How are horizontal and vertical resolution of a camera measured?
12. Define camera sensitivity. How can the camera sensitivity be improved?
13. Describe the features of zoom lens camera.
14. How is the resolution of a HDTV measured and expressed?
4 pages
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