Part 1: Health Care Policy
Read and include as a reference :
Information regarding providing adequate care for the LGBTQ community as outlined by Joint Commission and the CDC:
1. Describe three political actions nurses could take to strengthen their role in policymaking as it relates to advocacy for improving LGBTQ health.
2. Correlate the purpose of your political actions with an AACN MSN Essentials, and explain their correlation.
– Essential V: Healthcare Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments (See file attached- Include as a reference)
Part 2: Complementary and Alternative Care
Include: Aromatherapy and Homeopathy in your answers
1. Describe how essential oils benefice the health and mood
2. Describe how essential oils are used in treating health conditions.
3. Please give an example of each question.
Part 3: Complementary and Alternative Care
Topic: CAM and holistic nurses
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is becoming increasingly common in the United States and the rest of the western world. Most of nursing education in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia—often referred to as Western countries—has been under the umbrella of biomedicine, and thus Western nurses are familiar and comfortable with its beliefs, theories, practices, strengths, and limitations. Fewer nurses have studied alternative medical theories and practices and as a result may lack information or even harbor misinformation about these healing practices. Unlike the profession of medicine in general, however, the profession of nursing has traditionally embraced two basic concepts embodied by alternative therapies—holism and humanism—in its approach with clients.
1. Introduction (1/2 page- No more)
2. How nurses can incorporate alternative medicine into a holistic approach to patient care (2 pages)
3. Conclusion (1/2 page- No more)
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