Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra speaks to the crises of existing humanity as based in the soul of the last man. At the foundation of these crises (and in fact unifying them) is the last man’s inability to reach the very sense (and thus the meaning and value) of the things that are in the world.
Write an essay in which you give a sustained treatment of (1) why the soul of the last man (given its soul’s basic structure) is not able to “create beyond itself” so as to reach the very sense (and thus the meaning and the value) of the things that are, and (2) why the soul of the overman (given its soul’s basic structure) is able to create beyond itself so as to reach the very sense (and thus the new meaning and value) of the things that are.
°The crisis of existing humanity as seen from Zarathustra’s perspective
°The basic structure of the last man’s soul in Zarathustra’s Prologue,” section 3, page 125, the third paragraph (This third paragraph starts with the words “Once the soul looked contemptuously upon the body.”)
°The ego’s relationship to the body in the soul of the Last Man and a sustained analysis of the ego’s new relationship to the body in the soul of the Overman (“On the Despisers of the Body”)
° The will’s relationship to the body (as a will to truth) in the soul of the last man and a sustained analysis of the will’s relationship to the body (as a will to power) in the soul of the overman
Your answer to the essay question needs to be based in and largely restricted to an analysis of the three sections:
1. “Zarathustra’s Prologue,” Focus on Section 3, page 125, the third paragraph (This paragraph starts with the sentence, “Once the soul looked contemptuously upon the body).”
2. “On the Despisers of the Body”
3. “On Self-Overcoming”
Your essay needs to be typed and limited to 4-5 pages in length (900-1200 words, double space) and in the MLA (Modern Language Association) format. The CMS (Chicago Manual of Style) can be used as well. Support for your answer must come from a sustained analysis of the required sections and from the on-going use of direct citations from Nietzsche’s text (no paraphrasing of Nietzsche’s text).
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