Answer the following questions for your assignment.

1. Discuss different ways that rocks and minerals are used to benefit or to harm the environment
2. What rock property and rock structure factors should you consider for a major engineering site selection?
3. Suppose you are the superintendent of schools, what steps would you take to determine if there was an asbestos hazard, and how would you communicate with parents?
4. What factors contributed to the failure of the St. Francis Dam?
5. A town is located in the foothills of a mountain range. The rock types in the city limits and just beyond include basalt, shale, and limestone. As the town grows and expands, what advice could you give planners as to potential geologic problems related to the rocks to be aware of as new buildings and roads are sited? What additional geologic information would be necessary?
6. The rock cycle indicates how rocks can be transformed from one type to another. In other words, older rocks are recycled into new rocks. How can an older sedimentary rock be transformed into a new sedimentary rock without first becoming a metamorphic rock?

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