For your assignment, you will write an essay addressing the questions below. Your answers should be supported with EVIDENCE (use citations and explain yourself and make reference to the resources). Your essay should be written in complete sentences, paragraph form, and standard sized text/margins. Write your essay in your own words. Plagiarism is a violation of the student code of conduct.
- Is race a biologically accurate way to classify people? Explain
- How much genetic variation exists within the human species? How is that variation distributed among different local populations?
- Why do we see variation in human skin color (i.e., dark and light skin pigmentations are adaptations to what?)?
- What does it mean to say that race has been reified (definition of reify: to make something abstract more concrete or real)? What are some biological or social examples of the way that race has been reified?
- What do we know about the connections between race and health/disease?
- What do you find interesting about the way race is defined in other cultures (refer to the Global Census activity)?
Your essay should be approximately 2-3 pages, double spaced.
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