Choose one of the following questions and write an essay following the guidelines in this module. Be sure to identify the Question Number on your essay.

  1. Compare and contrast the English colonies in the New England region and the Chesapeake region. Include motivations, governance, settlement patterns, society, demographics, political participation, and relationships with Indians.
  2. How did the structure of the newly independent United States change from 1776 to 1787? Explain the ideological, political, and governmental shift for the Framers from the Declaration of Independence to the S. Constitution? Be sure to explain the conflicts that led to the change and occurred during the process of transforming the national government.
  3. Why did the Spanish, French, and Dutch (NOT the English) establish colonies in the Americas (the entire hemisphere)? Be sure to include the original goal of these enterprises. What was the institutional structure and purpose of the first colonial establishments? Where did these imperial powers establish their colonies and why? What were the similarities and differences in colonial approaches? What explains these differences and similarities?

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