What are the raw materials used for the production of the consumption good that you chose?
Where are these raw materials extracted from (indicate which country, geographical area, etc.)?
How much and what kind of energy/water, etc. was used during production?
Were there any waste during production? What kind of waste?
Who worked during production, what could be their wages? Do you think they have health insurance, contract, etc.?
How this consumption good is distributed for consumption? What were the means of transportation (trucks, ships, plane, etc.)?
Was it packaged when you bought it, what kind of a package was used?
How did you use this consumption good, for how long did you use?
What happens when you are finished with this product? Do you throw it away, repair it, give it away, recycle?
When you are done with this consumption good, how long it takes for it to become Earth again, to dissolve into the soil? Discuss latitudinal gradients and mechanistic hypothesis that govern the biological diversity and result in increases in species richness, abundance and diversity in insects. (30)

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