Diabetes Mellitus affects how the body uses blood sugar (glucose). Glucose is vital to our health because it is an essential energy source for the cells that make up our muscles and tissues. It is also our brain’s primary source of fuel. In some cases, obesity, inactivity, and poor nutrition are the causes of Diabetes. Unfortunately, more than 30 million people in the United States have Diabetes, the seventh leading cause of death.
Some people are more susceptible to developing Diabetes because of race or ethnicity; these are Hispanic, African, and Asian Americans. For example, many people in this minority group do not understand that their dietary choices keep them overweight, in addition to sedentary lifestyles and misconceptions about nutrition. That is why many of them are unaware that they might have Diabetes.
Hispanics are the largest minority group in the US and the fastest growing minority, with more than 50 million people. However, some factors that influence them to be more prone to Diabetes are low income and poor education. Income and education play a crucial role in the prevalence and treatment of the disease. For example, studies have shown that an income lower than 20,000 was related to a higher prevalence of Diabetes in the Hispanic/Latino community. Fifteen percent of adults with less than a high school diploma had Diabetes compared with 7% of adults with a bachelor’s degree or higher. This means that the Hispanic population is at higher than the national average risk of not preventing or treating diseases such as Diabetes and their complications promptly; this can lead to leg or foot amputations, vision loss, and kidney damage.
It is essential to educate the Hispanic community about Diabetes so they can control and treat Diabetes at the right time; that way, they reduce risk factors, minimize the chances of developing complications, and reduce mortality rates among Diabetics.
If I had my own practice, I would offer seminars once a week to educate minority groups about Diabetes, How to identify it, How to prevent it and how to build a successful meal and exercise plan. In addition, I would make an affordability program for those who do not have insurance or are Low income, and I would also keep track of the Spanish-speaking patients, so they go to their appointments.” RESPOND TO THIS POST AS A STUDENT IN 150 WORDS
Students should relate these discussion responses to course concepts, and directly to the classmate post that they are responding to, adding several innovative ideas, and providing additional insight that relates to core concepts for the week.
Approaches to Peer responses include offering advice, posing a question, providing an alternative point-of-view, and acknowledging similar experiences. These responses should be engaging and informative with good substance; just stating “I agree…” is not acceptable. Your responses should contribute in a meaningful way to helping advance our knowledge of the topics the class explores.



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