Discussion #3: Demographics, Epidemiology, and Levels of Prevention
To think critically about a community and plan effective interventions, the community health nurse must first assess the community.
In the previous discussion, you began an assessment of your chosen community with an exploration of its history and geographic
characteristics. In this discussion, you will continue the assessment process by examining your chosen community’s demographics
and describing the community’s major health concerns in epidemiological terms.
Directions: In the Discussion #3 forum, create a new discussion thread and address the following questions. (Do not attach your
post as a document. Type or paste your post directly into the text box.)
1) Using recent census data, describe the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of your chosen community. Basic data to
include would be age, race, gender, ethnicity, marital status, education, income, and employment status of the local population.
Suggested sources of information include websites such as http://www.census.gov and www.city-data.com, but other professional,
reliable sources may be used if data are reflective of recent census data.
2) Using valid data from reliable sources, identify one major health concern within your chosen community to discuss in
epidemiological terms. Suggested sources of information include websites such as www.alabamapublichealth.gov,
https://www.countyhealthrankings.org/explore-health-rankings, and www.city-data.com. At a minimum, identify mortality (death
rates), morbidity (illness rates), incidence (rate at which a specific disease develops in a population), and prevalence (measure of all
the existing cases of a disease at a given point in time).
3) Identify one population within your chosen community that might be especially vulnerable to the major health concern you
discussed above and provide a rationale.
4) Submit a contemplative and significant response to at least two (2) of your peers. Within each peer response, address the
classmate’s major health concern by recommending (1) an intervention at the primary level of prevention, (2) an intervention at the
secondary level of prevention, and (3) an intervention at the tertiary level of prevention.


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