LO1 Critically analyse theories of gender and crime
LO2 Critically apply criminological theory to policy and practice relevant to the study of gender and violence
LO3 Compare and contrast concepts of bias and inequality i.e. age, ethnicity, gender, class and justice
LO4 Devise, argue and apply related laws & policy to a chosen real world scenarioAssignment Format & Required
4,000 word Essay
Format: (size 12 font, Ariel, double line spacing, justified margins, student number in header; page numbers in footer)
•Check what is required: Report Style, Essay, Case Study, Reflection, collection of evidence etc.
•Front title page: Course, module & code; marking tutor, word count, date
•Word count dissemination:
–Introduction 10% of word count
–Main body: how many relevant learning outcomes/ equal in size?) (divided by number of learning outcomes)
–Conclusion 10% of word count
–Bibliography (Harvard style format)
•Appendix (plan)LO1 Critically analyse theories of gender and crime
You may wish to consider the following concepts:
•Feminist Theories (Liberal and Radical)
•Masculinity Theories
•Agnew Strain Theory
•Lombroso Biological Positivism
•Sex Role Theory
•Chivalry Thesis
•Judgemental Subjectivity
Analyse the impact of the above on CJLO2 Critically apply criminological theory to policy and practice relevant to the study of gender and violenceYou may wish to consider the following concepts:
•Marxist Theory


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