I AM SO SORRYY ! i know its so last minute and you dont have alot of time but this is 50% of my grade and im panicking ( gooodddd luckkk :))) ) QUESTION: In September 2021 Waqar was in hospital awaiting heart operation which the doctorshere are sutable reference to answer this question Kundzewicz, Z. W., L. J. Mata, N. W. Arnell, P. Dall, B. Jimenez, K. Miller, T. Oki, and Z. Åžen. 2009. Reply to “Climate, hydrology and freshwater: Towards an interactive incorporation of hydrological experience into climate research”: Water and climate projections. Hydrological Sciences Journal 54(2):406-415.;Knutti, R., G. A. Meehl, M. R. Allen, and D. A. Stainforth. 2006. Constraining climate sensitivity from the seasonal cycle in surface temperature. Journal of Climate 19:4224-4233.;Klein, R. J. T., S. E. H. Eriksen, L. O. Naess, A. Hammill, T. M. Tanner, C. Robledo, K. L. O’Brien. 2007. Portfolio screening to support the mainstreaming of adaptation to climate change into development assistance. Climatic Change, 84:23-44.;King County. 2008. Vulnerability of Major Wastewater Facilities to Flooding from Sea-Level Rise. Seattle, WA: King County, Department of Natural Resources and Parks, Wastewater Treatment Division.;Khatiwala, S., F. Primeau, and T. Hall. 2009. Reconstruction of the history of anthropogenic CO2 concentrations in the ocean. Nature 462(7271):346-349.;Kempton, W. 1991. Lay perspectives on global climate change. Pp. 29-69 in Energy Efficiency and the Environment: Forging the Link, E. L. Vine, D. Crawley, and P. Centolella, eds. Washington, DC: American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy.;Keeling, R. F., S.C. Piper, A.F. Bollenbacher, and J.S. Walker. 2009. Atmospheric CO2 records from sites in the SIO air sampling network. In Trends: A Compendium of Data on Global Change. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN, doi:10.3334/CDIAC/atg.035.;Kates, R., W. Hohenemser, and C. Kasperson. 1984.1984. Perilous Progress: Managing the Hazards of Technology. A Westview Special Studies in Science, Technology and Public Policy. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.;Karl, T. R., and C. N. Williams, Jr. 1987. An approach to adjusting climatological time series for discontinuous inhomogeneities. Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology 20:1744-1763.;Kalff, J. 2002. Limnology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.