Topic – Indigenous Knowledge of People in Canada
The time frame for this project is Before 1900. Students will articulate how and why attention to a particular portion of research is important, how they can connect the research to what is being learned in class and critically engage with the material they discover.In order to complete this assignment in a timely manner, it is important to start out by reading the unit(s) affiliated with your topic from the course materials. From there, you should complete some outside research using acceptable primary or secondary sources.
A strong way to structure your paper for this course is to include an introduction that catches the reader’s attention, discusses what will be discussed in the paper, and includes the thesis statement. Following this, the body paragraphs should follow an understandable structure that includes the research you completed and shows a strong understanding of the content. Finally, the paper should end with a conclusion that summarizes the material that was discussed and ends with a strong concluding statement. Some recommendation for how the paper should be completed are included below.
-Minimum 8-10 page research paper
– Provide minimum 5 sources (per the Research Outline Assignment) including; 1 Journal Article (online or physical copy), 1 book reference other than your textbook (online or physical), 1 Government document (electronic or physical copy) and 1 report from a private organization (electronic or physical copy). NO Wikipedia, Encyclopedias, or dictionary sources. News articles may only be supplementary material and do not count towards the 5 sources. Personal communications must be documented adequately.
– Essay must be double spaced in 12 point font, Times New Roman, and 1 inch margins. Length requirement does NOT include the title page or reference page(s).
– Analyze the research they have gathered and the points discussed in sources. In order to support your arguments, you MUST use correct APA or MLA citations for both direct quotes and paraphrasing.
– Pages will be numbered in the top right hand corner.
– No abstract necessary.
– Title page MUST have a Running head as well as: The title of your essay, your name, the class code (NATV 1220 and section), and the due date of the Assignment.
– Avoid the use of contractions (EG: Don’t should be written out as do not) and avoid Colloquial language (IE: “This is a thing”, slang terms, phrases such as “Pass the Buck”, or idioms like “It’s raining cats and dogs”).
– Be aware of your spelling and grammar.
A rubric has been provided that shows how the assignment will be graded and how many points each aspect of the paper are worth. It is immensely important that you cite information that is not common knowledge. Copying and pasting information from other sources is not an acceptable way of completing your paper. When using the words of another person directly, including quotation marks as well as an in-text citation with page numbers, if applicable. Paraphrasing another author’s information is acceptable, however paraphrased information also requires in-text citations and page numbers are a very good choice when including a citation, however they are not always mandatory.
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