What does recent research indicate about the neural basis for self-esteem? Is our self-esteem a conflict of explicit self-esteem and implicit self-esteem? Why or why not? How does this influence our social cognition for self? Explain. APA, 3 peer review journal articles, only peer review journal articles, 375 words

Self-regulation may arise from several sources including working self-concept, situational cues, social roles, values, and self-conceptions. What is the primary source of self-regulation? Defend your choice. What theoretical/model approach best describes self-regulation? Why? APA, 3 peer review journal articles, only peer review journal articles, 375 words

What is the relative impact of non-verbal expression compared to verbal expression? Explain. Do we rely more on face recognition or body language as a primary source to infer personality and attitude? Justify your position. APA, 3 peer review journal articles, only peer review journal articles, 375 words


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