Patrol work is considered the backbone of policing, as patrol officers interact with the public throughout their shifts. Prevention of crime includes activities to keep the citizens safe and is a catalyst to improve the public–police relationship.

Imagine you are a senior police officer asked to give a presentation for new recruits to introduce them to patrol work and crime prevention strategies employed to maintain public safety.  (Your title page should reflect this!)

Follow the assignment directions!

Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation* in which you:

  • Explain the difference between patrol and these four other roles within a police department—crime analyst, dispatcher, detective, crime prevention specialist. Use a separate slide for each of the four.
  • What are 3 functions of patrol work as noted in Chapter 7? Define and provide an example of each.
  • Describe these patrol strategies and how they are used. Note how each affects crime and community relations—Hot spots, directed patrol, officer-initiated activity, service style of policing, legalistic style of policing.
  • Identify at least two improvements or innovations that have been incorporated to aid in patrol. How does each improve police patrol work? [DO NOT use modes of transportation, radios, weapons, radars. Those will not count toward your score.]
  1. State the difference between reactive and proactive patrol strategies used by the police. Give examples. Explain how proactive patrol can help reduce crime.


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