M8D2: Sand Transportation

How has society responded to coastal changes initiated by sand transportation, and have these responses been wise environmentally and economically?

Each initial post should be at least 250 words and must substantively integrate the assigned readings module from (Hess, D. McKnight’s Physical Geography. [Vault eBooks]. Retrieved from https://www.vaultebooks.com/#/books/9780134326306/ with proper APA style formatting// You may use additional sources and materials as long as they are relevant to the discussion and cited properly.

M8D3: Hurricanes and Coastal Areas

What is the major danger of hurricanes to coastal areas and how has the federal government historically responded? Explain.

Each initial post should be at least 250 words and must substantively integrate the assigned readings module from (Hess, D. McKnight’s Physical Geography. [Vault eBooks]. Retrieved from https://www.vaultebooks.com/#/books/9780134326306/ with proper APA style formatting// You may use additional sources and materials as long as they are relevant to the discussion and cited properlY


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