Discuss your understanding of how photosynthesis has made the earth’s atmosphere unique in the solar system. What effects would decreasing levels of photosynthesis have on human society over time, and what could we do to stabilize photosynthesis over the long-term?
Your answer should be at least 250 words and must substantively integrate the assigned readings from the module with proper APA. See attachment. Every answer should have its own reference. Do not write the references on the bottom of the page for all of them, need to do it individually. Please refer to your sources in the text using the author and year of publication when appropriate, this is important when citing data.
Effects of Wildfire
What are the positive and negative effects of wildfires? Are the effects primarily restricted to rural areas, and therefore, of little importance to the bulk of society? Defend your statement.
Your answer should be at least 250 words and must substantively integrate the assigned readings from the module with proper APA. See attachment. Every answer should have its own reference. Do not write the references on the bottom of the page for all of them, need to do it individually. Please refer to your sources in the text using the author and year of publication when appropriate, this is important when citing data.
Geographers and Plants
Why do geographers study plants more than they study animals (outside of humans anyway)? Why would the study of one tend to benefit human society more than the other? Justify your answer.
Your answer should be at least 250 words and must substantively integrate the assigned readings from the module with proper APA. See attachment. Every answer should have its own reference. Do not write the references on the bottom of the page for all of them, need to do it individually. Please refer to your sources in the text using the author and year of publication when appropriate, this is important when citing data.
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