Topic: National Identity and the Contested Nation

Length: maximum 500 words (Word or PDF document)

Based on today’s presentation and discussion, reflect upon the challenges that the Russian Federation faces with regard to its national identity. Do issues of ideology, geography, ethnicity, faith, and/or history (focus on one or two issues of your choice) constitute assets or challenges (or both?) in the formation of cohesive society in Russia? Explain your point of view. In the second half of the reflection, connect your answer to the following: Following the events of 2014, the annexation of the Crimea by the Russian Federation and the start of the military conflict in Donbas (Eastern Ukraine), scholars reflected on the weakness of the national identity in Russia. In view of the war that the Russian Federation unleashed against Ukraine on 24 February 2022, do you think Paul Goble’s argument is still relevant?

POLS 3630/RUSN 3630: Russian Politics, Government, and Society

Critical Lecture Response #2 (based on the guest lecture/seminar by Dr. Elena Baraban on 16 March 2022 and the required readings)

Topic: National Identity and the Contested Nation

Total 8% of the final grade

Submitted through UMLearn Dropbox, Wednesday 23 March 2022, 2:30 p.m. Length: maximum 500 words (Word or PDF document)

Based on today’s presentation and discussion, reflect upon the challenges that the Russian Federation faces with regard to its national identity. Do issues of ideology, geography, ethnicity, faith, and/or history (focus on one or two issues of your choice) constitute assets or challenges (or both?) in the formation of cohesive society in Russia? Explain your point of view. Following the events of 2014, the annexation of the Crimea by the Russian Federation and the start of the military conflict in Donbas (Eastern Ukraine), scholars reflected on the weakness of the national identity in Russia. In view of the war that the Russian Federation unleashed against Ukraine on 24 February 2022, do you think Paul Goble’s argument is still relevant?



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