This week there is only one part to your discussion because it requires a comparison between two slave narratives and it may be lengthy to make this comparison. Plus, I really want you focused in this discussion on being as detailed as possible in your response. Last week you examined excerpts from Booker T. Washington’s slave narrative, Up From Slavery. This week you are adding a second slave narrative, that of Frederick Douglass’s narrative, excerpts from The Life of Frederick Douglass. After reading selections from each, please respond to the following points. In it, make very specific references to both narratives, give details, specific examples from the slave narratives, and quote at least two relevant passages from each slave narrative to back and support your interpretations.

What do you see as emerging as the picture/image/representation of slavery on a plantation? Think about their descriptions they offer of plantation life.
How do the struggles of Washington and Douglass compare?
Additionally, are there any major differences you observe in their accounts, including how they respond to slavery?
What is your reader response/reaction to their accounts of slavery?

Frederick Douglass, Excerpts from
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, pp.01-51

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