Book; Born a Crime
Answer the questions with 5-7 sentences each
1. Were you familiar with Trevor Noah before reading this book? Have you seen The Daily Show?
2. How does language play a role in Trevor’s life and what he observes in human culture?
3. What did you think about Trevor’s Mom’s discipline?
4. What did you think about Trevor’s relationship with his biological father, Robert? What was Trevor’s father like? How did you view him as a person?
5. What kind of impact did this book have on you?
6. What did you think of how he structured the book?
7. How does this book compare to other memoirs/autobiographies you have read? What do you think of Noah’s writing style? Do you like his voice?
8. Did you like the book? What surprised you? Would you recommend it to friends?
9. Do any of his stories/comments challenge your beliefs? Do you think any of his opinions are provocative?
10. Noah is reportedly working on a second book, picking up where Born a Crime ends and about his journey as a comedian in South Africa. Will you be interested in reading it?
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