Paper instructions:

Length: Will be determined by how much information you provide. Suggested lengths are listed below.

Format: 12 point font, 1 inch margin on all sides, single spaced, headers for each section (see below for header titles).

Your assignment must be submitted via email by the due date. Late submissions will be deducted accordingly as per your course syllabus. Be sure to include the course title, instructor’s name, your student identification number and your name.

The purpose of this assessment is for you to create a coaching philosophy, create a practice plan, and complete a safe sport module online.

Criteria for Assessment:
This assignment will be graded out of 25 marks. The breakdown of marks is shown in the following Submission Format section. Use the main headers for each section in your document.

Submission Format:

** Make sure to use a header for each section.

1)  Coaching Philosophy (10 marks)

1-2 pages

Identify the sport that you will be coaching, including the age group, number of athletes,

number of coaches, experience and skill level.

Provide your personal coaching philosophy (refer back to previous course material).

Provide 3-5 core values that you hold as a coach and will instill in your team. Be sure to

provide 1-2 sentences around each value to build context around it. This part may be in

point form.

Be sure to provide any references (in APA format) for those used in this activity, along with a

proper references section at the end of your submission.

2)  Practice Plan (10 marks)

1 page

Provide a practice plan for one session leading into a weekend of competition. The practice is 1.5 hours long and would take place right in the middle of your competitive season. Be sure to include specific times for each section and each drill as well – also include drill names, any progressions, and the focus for each section. Refer back to your coaching manual for ideas/templates/information to include. Diagrams should appear as an appendix.

c. Be sure to provide any references (in APA format) for those used in this activity, along with a proper references section at the end of your submission.

Additional Information:

  Use clear and concise language. Avoid using clichés, slang, short hand terms, slogans or flowery

language in your proposal.

  Page Numbers – each page should be numbered except the cover page.

  Margins – All margins are to be 1 inch (~2.54 cms) on all sides, EXCEPT any charts, diagrams, etc.

that might require different formatting. These would be included in the Appendix Section.

  Font – 12 point font to be used throughout EXCEPT any charts, diagrams, etc. that might require

different formatting. You should use a font that is clear and easy to read.

  Appendix – each chart, diagram, figure, etc. should be clearly labelled as “Figure 1, Figure 2” and so

on. There should never be more than 1 per page.

  Use the APA 6th edition formatting for all citations. Includes websites, podcasts, etc.

  Assessment will be based on how well you are able to clearly articulate the ideas within your project

using the headings above.

  Additional deductions may be made for incomplete information, formatting issues, language

mistakes, and/or incorrect or missing APA references.

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