) Define the following terms.

a) disease registry

b) National Health Survey


2) What is likely to be the best routinely available data source for each of the following kinds of studies?

a) incidence of influenza in the United States

b) cancer morbidity

c) congenital malformations

d) prevalence of selected disabling conditions

e) work-related accidents

f) precursive factors for heart disease among college graduates

g) ethnic differences in mortality

3) Death certificates are an important source of information for epidemiologic studies. In the United States, death certificates have which of the following advantages (circle all that apply)?

a) There is a uniform national system of collection and coding.

b) The cause of death is usually confirmed by autopsy.

c) The international coding system for cause of death has remained constant since 1900.

e) Data collection is comprehensive; virtually no deaths go unrecorded.

The decedent’s personal physician always completes the form and can add his or her own knowledge of past illnesses.

4) Which of the following data sources are best able to provide numerator data for the calculation of incidence of death by gunshot?

a) hospital discharge survey

b) autopsy or coroners’ records

c) National Health Survey

e) disease registries

5) An abrupt drop in mortality due to a specific cause is observed from one year to the next. Identify at least three possible reasons for such a change.



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