Write a 1500 – 2000 words Academic Paper:
Part A What is Psychology? Why is Psychology important? Write a brief history of Psychology.
Part B Choose ONE of the psychological theories and the founder from (Part A) your brief history of Psychology and write 5 relevant significance of this theory in today’s world.
Submit this as ONE paper Use this as the outline for your paper and use sub-headings for each section.
Part A Creative title (3)What is Psychology? (7)Explain 5 reasons for the importance of studying Psychology (15)Write a brief history of Psychology.
Part B Creative Title (2)Introduction (5)Develop 5 reason for the relevance of this schools in today’s world (20)Conclusion (8)
Use sub-titles for the various sections of the assignment.Use a creative title that reflects your paper (VERY IMPORTANT)
Write a good introduction and a good conclusion
Have a logical development of your arguments and statements. If possible back them up with scholarly sources
Cite your sources at the end of the paper. (Sources like Wikipedia are not academic sources)Avoid using the first (I, We) and second person (You) as far as possible, abbreviations and incomplete sentences and sentences like, “According to the textbook/article…” Write what you want to say and then cite the textbook or article. MICROSOFT WORD highlights spellings and grammar mistakes.
Check these highlights before you submit your papers. Sometimes WORD is not always right, for example, it will suggest Victor for Viktor Frankl. Viktor is the correct spelling. Note some of the other common mistakes like, ones and one’s.Please be careful about plagiarism.
Use the APA Style in your academic work.
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