No plagiarism whatsoever
APA style
Describe both the business strategy and supply chain strategy for Coca Cola. Your research paper will describe how this organization aligns its business strategy with its supply chain strategy
Key issues to address:
What opportunities exist to improve supply chain activities through better alignment of logistics and the company’s strategic plan?
In what ways can the supply chain integrate with logics in order to get goods and services moved effectively and efficiently?
How might a company’s agility in terms of the supply chain and/or logistics improve the movement of goods and /or products?
What challenges does the interaction of supplier and manufacturers bring to the logistics management arena?
What processes could be adopted to increase value for the customer?
What are the impacts of Supply Chain Management on various organizational functions?
What are the financial implications of improving supply chain management for the company?
What “best practices” are available to support your recommendations?
Begin with intro paragraph that ends with a thesis, restate that thesis in the conclusion

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