Imagine you are the Information Systems Security Officer at your company and are tasked with creating a cybersecurity threat awareness training.

You must create an infographic or job aid for the company’s intranet and a brief presentation for the company’s stakeholders, including executives, managers, and staff.

Create a 1-page infographic or job aid of the cyber domain using the DoD or OSI model.

Identify 5 to 7 threats to the cyber domain, including at least 1 threat for each of the layers in your infographic.

Create a 4- to 6-slide presentation.

Discuss the challenges of securing each layer of the cyber domain in the company’s cyber threat awareness training in your presentation.

Select 3 threats from your infographic or job aid.

Identify 2 challenges from the threats you identified.

Note: You do not need to identify how to mitigate the threat; this presentation is focused on raising awareness of cybersecurity threats and the challenges these threats present.

Format any references according to APA guidelines.
Submit your infographic and presentation.

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