What is the main function of leaders under the Adaptive Leadership approach? What are the differences of this approach from those we have studied in previous chapters? When have you experienced technical challenges at work? Technical and adaptive challenges? Adaptive challenges? Did the responses of leaders in those situations correlate with the prescribed behaviors of the Adaptive Leadership model? Explain. (1 page minimum)
Find the Adaptive Leadership Questionnaire. You will take and score the instrument. (NOTE: you do not have to make five copies and distribute them unless you want to. Just take and score the instrument yourself.) While some of you may not have a manager/leader role, please answer the questions as if you do. Summarize your results including your scores in each of the dimensions. What does this say about you? (1 page minimum)
Go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6QgquZ7yDg
and watch the video my Kellie Ady. She discusses Technical vs Adaptive Challenges. Summarize the key point in the video. What are your thoughts on what she says? (1 page minimum)
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