Hypnosis and Stress
Video: https://www.hypnotherapy-directory.org.uk/articles/stress.html
Read the article and watch the short video at the above link about Hypnosis and Stress. If you are able, find a video on self-hypnosis and listen to or practice the suggested meditation and relaxation techniques suggested (only try this when you are at home, not driving or operating any machinery, and if it is safe and practical to do so). Once you are complete, answer the following questions.
1. What are 4 ways the article suggests to help manage stress better?
2. What is Hypnotherapy and how is it performed?
3. What does it mean to be open to suggestion? Provide examples.
4. What type of stress is hypnosis recommended for?
5. If you were able to participate, how did the self-hypnosis practice make you feel? Describe your emotional and physical affects. If unable to do this exercise, describe what emotional and physical affects you would expect to experience after hypnosis.

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