Write a 3–4 page essay on the needs of the various populations served in the criminal justice profession. In your paper address the following:

Identify and describe 3–4 needs of the various populations served in the criminal justice profession.
In responding, be sure to identify and fully discuss any multiculturalism and diversity concerns.
How does the criminal justice professional address the needs of a multicultural and diverse population?
Do you think that members of society are aware of the pertinent duties and responsibilities associated with the criminal justice profession? Explain.
What are the perceptions that society has about the profession?
What can be done to remove the negative stereotypes associated with the profession? Provide 2–3 examples to support your position.

NOTE: This assignment will require outside research. You may consult the Library, the internet and any other resources in supporting your task.

Compose paper in Microsoft Word

Needs a Title Page Insert Page Break after title page then write the essay please.
After the essay is written please insert another page break and add the references page.

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