1. Review the following resources:
    1. Chapter 7 in Principles of Microeconomics(new tab)
    2. Video: Circular Flow of Income and Expenditures(new tab)
    3. Webpage: Circular Flow Model(new tab)
    4. Article: Understanding the Circular Flow Model in Economics: Definition and Factors of Production(new tab)
  2. Using the resources provided in this workshop along with your own independent research, develop a circular flow model for your chosen topic showing how money exchanges hands in the healthcare setting. You might consider using MS Word or PowerPoint to create this; however, you may use any tool of your choice. Hand drawn and a photo submitted is also an option.
  3. Navigate to the threaded discussion and:
    1. Post your circular flow model with your comments explaining the importance of the model and your rationale for selecting the information in your work.
    2. Discuss how understanding the flow of money is important to you as a leader.

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