Create a Thread and answer any 3 of the following questions
Enter your name as the Subject
Enter the question # you have chosse at the start of each answer so that others know what question you have chosen. (i.e. Q2, Q4, Q5)
1. What is Project Initiation?
2. How do you Determine Feasibility?
3. How do you determine Costs and Benefits?
4. Define how Time is Managed within Tasks/Activities.
5. What is a WBS?
6. Describe Project Scheduling.
7. How do you Control Projects & Manage Risks?
8. How do you Manage Project Teams?
9. What is a Systems Proposal?
10. Describe the goals of Interviewing.
11. Describe JAD.
12. Describe the use of Questionnaires.
13. Describe the use of Sampling.
14. Describe the steps in Analyzing Quantitative Documents.
15. Describe Text Analytics.
16. Describe the use of Observations

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