Please look up the difference between structural and functional neuroplasticity and do the following:
- Define neuroplasticity in your own words.
- Define structural neuroplasticity and provide an example in your own words.
- Define functional neuroplasticity and provide an example in your own words.
- Now, think about the Ted Talk on neurplasticit (Links to an external site.). Please explain how the following terms relate to the Ted Talk: neuron, axon, dendrite, neurotransmitter. You must relate these key terms to the concepts in the video. You will not receive credit for just defining the terms.
- WRITING ACTIVITY reflection: Embed a picture of your Writing Activity and describe the differences in your dominant and non-dominant hand-writing. Has either hand improved with each day? How is this activity related to neuroplasticity?
- How does neuroplasticity relate to intelligence theory on fixed and growth mindsets?
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