1. What is the main lesson from the recent earthquakes in Italy and Haiti? How important is the wealth of a country to reducing the earthquake hazard?
2. From your point of view, what can an individual citizen do to minimize the earthquake impact risks?
3. What would be your approach to present info on earthquake hazard to people who knew very little about earthquake?
4. Propose geologic scenarios that may change the global earthquake distribution patterns.
5. You live in an area that has a significant earthquake hazard. There is ongoing debate as to whether an earthquake warning system should be developed. Some people are worried that false alarms will cause a lot of problems, and others point out that the response time may not be very long.
a. What are your views? Do you think it is a responsibility of public officials to finance an earthquake warning system, assuming such systems are feasible?
b. What are potential implications if a warning system is not developed, and a large earthquake results in damage that could have been partially avoided with a warning system in place?
6. Look up your birthday in “Today in Earthquake History” (https://earthquake.usgs.gov/learn/today/) and see what you find! Investigate the tectonic setting of any significant earthquake listed.
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