Present an application of a wave phenomena to studies in a field of science or engineering other than physics. Your examples may be taken from, but are not limited to, sound engineering, instrument making, medical imaging, non destructive testing, oil explorations, earth quake prediction, and Tsunami warning systems. No matter what field you choose the wave phenomena.
I what media, if any, do the waves propagate?
Are the waves in this application transverse, longitudinal, or both? If either transverse or longitudinal waves are missing from the application explain why?
On what parameters of the media (pressure, temperature, mass, density,… ) does the wave speed depend?
In general, what is the relationship between the wavelength, the frequency, and the wave speed?
Define diffraction, diffusion, constructive interference, and destructive interference as general properties of waves.
Discuss how diffraction, diffusion, constructive interference, and destructive interference appears in your application. If it does not appear explain why not.
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