Cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology essentials of respiratory care) by Terry Des Jardins
Clinical Connection Associated with the Determinants of Cardiac Output
Congestive Heart Failure (CC 5-8 in text book)
1. Congestive heart failure (CHF) (also called left-heart failure) is the inability of the
_____________________ to pump blood effectively.
2. The respiratory therapist will frequently treat patients suffering from pulmonary edema (caused by
CHF). Along with 100 percent oxygen, additional therapy includes
_________________________________________________________ and
________________________________________________________________ until sufficient fluid has
been eliminated by the kidneys.
Cor Pulmonale (CC 5-10 in text book)
1. Cor pulmonale is the enlargement of the ___________________________ caused by primary lung
2. Cor pulmonale eventually results in the inability of the right ventricle to pump blood effectively to the
lungs (also called _________________________).
3. When the right ventricle starts to fail, blood returning to the heart backs up and pools throughout the
peripheral vascular system—e.g., in the _________________________,
__________________________, _________________________, _________________________,
_________________________ and _________________________.
4. Pulmonary emboli (clots in the pulmonary artery) and ____________________ are common causes of
cor pulmonale.
The Cardiopulmonary Hazards of Positive Pressure Ventilation (CC 5-11 in text book)
1. Two hazards of positive pressure ventilation (PPV) are
___________________________________________ and ________________________________.
2. Although the optimal PEEP level must be specifically determined for each patient, the level of PEEP
typically falls in the _______________________ range.
3. In view of the possible hazards of PPV, the respiratory therapist must
___________________________________________________________________________ and


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